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FAA Community Art Projects

Enhancing Our Community

Walking Art Exhibit

FAA participated in the Frankfort Fall Festival parade to promote our mission and upcoming events. Famous works for art were portrayed.

Frankfort Public Library
Art Wall

FAA was happy to donate funds to support the Frankfort Public Library District's art wall. Local artists work with the library to exhibit fine art for the public to enjoy.​

For information about exhibiting art at the library, contact Melissa Rice at

Little Free Libraries

Four Little Free Libraries were installed in the Frankfort area. This project was a partnership with Friends of the Frankfort Library, Frankfort Park District, and Frankfort Square Park District. Four newspaper boxes were donated by Chicago Tribune, and Home Depot donated the use of a truck for transportation. FAA artists painted the boxes as community works of art.

Grand Prairie Elementary School

In April 2018, FAA members repainted the U.S. map in the courtyard at Grand Prairie Elementary School.

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